World Wide Knit in Public Day 2022

World Wide Knit in Public Day

This Saturday, June 11, 2022, is World Wide Knit in Public Day! Keep reading to learn the details about this annual holiday including its mission, what takes place, and what you can do to participate! 


World Wide Knit in Public Day (WWKIPD) was started in 2005 by Danielle Landes and takes place on the second Saturday of each June. Astrid Salling from Denmark took over organizing WWKIPD in 2011 and has helped in the grow the event globally. WWKIPD is the largest knitter run event in the world, with local events that have taken place in at least 57 countries, including Australia, China, Ireland, and South Africa.

Mission of WWKIPD

The slogan for World Wide Knit in Public Day is “Better living through stitching together,” and I think the keyword here is “together.” As many of us know, knitting can often and easily be a lonely hobby, done from the comfort of our couches while we binge our favorite tv shows. The main mission of WWKIPD is to help knitters connect by getting them off of said couches and out to a local event or location with their knitting!

Another perk behind WWKIPD is to show knitters and non-knitters alike that knitting can be a community activity and that the knitting community itself is so diverse. It also helps raise awareness of knitting existing as a modern craft and artform.

Click here to read a brief history on the art of knitting!

What takes place on WWKIPD

For every WWKIPD, a volunteer or group of volunteers organize knitting events in their local communities. Volunteers have the freedom to make the event what they want, so events may include vendors, classes, or just an opportunity to sit and knit with other local knitters. 

How you can participate in WWKIPD

If World Wide Knit in Public Day sounds like something you’d like to participate in, there are a number of things you can do:

  • You can register to attend your local Knit in Public (KIP) event! Registration for events usually opens in January, but many events allow you to register up until the day of! Click here to find your local KIP. 

  • You can help your local volunteer(s) organize for next year’s KIP! If there is a KIP near you, see if you can contact the volunteer(s) and ask if there is anything you can do to help. With registrations often opening in January, there is usually digital marketing work that needs to take place, event planning, and day-of set up. I’m sure the volunteer(s) would love a helping hand!

  • If you’re looking to be even more involved, and you don’t see a KIP near you, you can organize your own KIP for next year! The WWKIPD gives you a good idea of what goes into the planning before you commit to registering your event. So if you’re thinking about it, click here for more details!

  • If there isn’t a KIP near you (or if you’re more of a lone ranger), you can still participate! Simply taking your knitting off the couch. Go to a park, a coffee shop, a baseball game, whatever, and knit, knit, knit. 

I absolutely love that there is a special day that encourages knitters to get outside and connect with others. While I highly encourage you to participate one way or another, I also want to challenge you to knit in public on other days throughout the year! Let’s show the world what today’s knitting community looks like and show off the amazing art that we stitch up. 

Make sure to share this post with your knitting friends so we can get more knitters out and knitting this Saturday, June 11th!



Hey! I’m Jeanette, the person behind New Wave Knitting, and I wrote this blog post! How cool is that?!


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