Opt Out of Fast Fashion and Make Your Own Wardrobe

Opt Out of Fast Fashion and Make Your Own Wardrobe

Are you interested in becoming more environmentally conscious about your fashion choices? Making your own wardrobe is a great way to do just that! In this blog post, we’ll go over why fast fashion is unethical and unsustainable, the difference between sustainable and slow fashion, and what you can do to make your fashion even greener!

The Truth About Fast Fashion

Before we go over sustainable ways to be fashionable, it is important to discuss what fast fashion is and why it isn’t good for the planet. Fast fashion is an industrial system of textile manufacturing that makes batches of cheap but trendy garments quickly. For this industry system to be maintained, it relies on a substantial number of unethical practices. Fast fashion results in:

  • The overproduction of clothing as companies try to keep up with trends. Companies make a lot of styles quickly, which leads to many garments going to waste if they aren’t purchased within the short period they keep them on the store floor. 

  • The overconsumption of clothing as people can buy a lot of clothes cheaply and then dispose of them quickly, either because the quality is poor or because they go out of style soon after purchasing.

  • Large amounts of waste due to all of the overproduction and overconsumption. For example, more than 1 billion pounds of textile waste ends up in landfills every year in Australia alone.

  • Large amounts of pollution since textile manufacturing requires a lot of energy and nonrenewable resources. 

  • Violations of human rights as large fast fashion companies typically outsource to developing countries and exploit workers. Many have been accused of utilizing slave and child labor. 

There are many harmful impacts of fast fashion, and unfortunately these unethical practices are hard to bring to the light and are often swept under the rug. 

Learn about how the yarn brand We Are Knitters’ collaborated with fast fashion giant, Zara.

The Goal of Sustainable Fashion

Now that we have a better understanding of how fast fashion operates, let’s discuss sustainable fashion. Ultimately, the goal of sustainable fashion is to create a fashion system that promotes and sustains equity and social justice, as well as care for animals and the environment. Ways to practice sustainable fashion are to:

  • Thrift, rent, or swap clothing

  • Buy clothing from sustainable brands and materials

  • Take care of and mend your clothes

  • Donate, sell, or repurpose your old clothes rather than throwing them away

  • Buy less

These practices help decrease waste and move away from supporting harmful fast fashion brands. 

Is yarn made from recycled clothing actually sustainable?

Where the Slow Fashion Movement Fits In

Slow fashion falls within the category of sustainable fashion and is a movement that began in opposition to fast fashion. The slow fashion movement is a bit more specific than the broad term of sustainable fashion as it advocates for ethical and sustainable fashion creation that respects people, the environment, and animals. One of the main premises behind slow fashion is to make clothing by hand rather than by machines through mass manufacturing, all while being intentional about the sustainability of the process. Examples of slow fashion methods include:

  • Knitting

  • Crocheting

  • Sewing

  • Weaving

  • Felting

Creating garments for yourself, your family and friends, or for others is a great way to participate in slow fashion. To be as sustainable as possible though, it is important to consider the materials and processes used.

Learn 10 awesome ways to be a more sustainable knitter!

How to Practice Slow Fashion as a Fiber Artist

While knitting, crocheting, sewing, weaving, and felting are all ways to participate in slow fashion, there are some ways you can ensure you’re being ethical and sustainable in your practice. To make your practice as green as possible, you can:

  • Make clothes you’ll actually wear or items you’ll actually use. (Using the Knitwear Capsule Wardrobe Blueprint is an AWESOME way to intentionally plan your makes!)

  • Use yarn or fabric you already have rather than always buying more

  • Focus on and appreciate the process. Don’t worry about pumping out quick knits or garments!

  • Take care of the garments that you have already finished. (Click here to learn how to properly take care of your bulky knits!)

  • Use more sustainable materials, such as materials made from biodegradable or recycled fibers, or thrifted yarn and fabric! (Please note that sometimes more sustainable materials cost more. If you can’t afford it, that’s okay! You’re still being sustainable by making your own clothes.)

Click here to learn about benefits of making a knitwear capsule wardrobe.

Fast fashion companies are doing far more harm than good to people, animals, and the planet. Remember that you do not have to put even more money in their pockets. Practicing sustainable fashion is a way to fight back against corporate greed and pollution, and slow fashion allows you to create clothes that are unique and tailored perfectly for you. And even if you can’t afford to make your clothes with the most sustainable of materials, you are still being more sustainable than if you were purchasing clothes made by fast fashion. 

If you found this post helpful or informative, share it with a friend! Together, we can make our planet a greener place, one handmade garment at a time. 


Hey! I’m Jeanette, the person behind New Wave Knitting, and I wrote this blog post! How cool is that?!


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